Family Information and Consent Form
Family Information and Consent Form CreateABLE is a family & caregiver engagement program for individuals with special needs. We are looking forward to working with you. Our sessions are designed to encourage individuals and their families to engage with identified goals and needs. Please note that we will ask for every attending family member to participate. Your input is needed for effective session planning; please let us know any additional information so we can include your goals into the activity. All of our materials are safe and “washable”, every participant may come home a little “Painty”; an extra set of clothes is recommended
CreateABLE is a program of Life Is Washable, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Support of our program is tax-deductible. This material represents the opinions of
CreateABLE and Life Is Washable, Inc. It should in no way be taken as general or specific medical advice. Please consult your primary care physician or other medical specialist
for specific advice about your medical condition.