What is an APS SEPTA Parent Liaison?
The Special Education Parent Liaison program is a joint project of the Arlington Public Schools Parent Resource Center (PRC) and the Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA). The goal for the program is for EACH elementary, middle, and high school in Arlington to have at least one parent liaison volunteer (parent/guardian of students with disabilities) to serve as their school’s special education representative to support and encourage the flow of information between their school, the PRC, and SEPTA.
What do SEPTA Liaisons do?
Liaisons serve as a communication bridge between an individual school and the APS Special Education PTA.
- Stay abreast of special education resources, progress, and needs across APS.
- Share PRC and SEPTA information with their school (often in partnership with school-based PTAs);
- Keep SEPTA and the PRC informed about what’s going on with respect to special education at their individual school;
- Serve as a point of contact for families interested in connecting with other special education families.
What are examples of activities expected of a Parent Liaison?
First – we completely understand this is a volunteer role, and everyone is busy! This list is intended to give Liaisons ideas of what they may want to do, depending on how involved they can or want to be.
Ways to STAY INFORMED about what’s going on with Special Education in APS:
- Familiarize yourself with the SEPTA website – https://www.arlingtonsepta.org/
- Subscribe to SEPTA, ASEAC (Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee) and/or PRC email lists.
- Subscribe to disability-specific discussion lists
- Attend SEPTA meetings and/or ASEAC meetings – virtually or in-person.
- Attend SEPTA and PRC-sponsored workshops or presentations.
- Introduce yourself to your school’s administrators and PTA leaders and let them know you’re interested in helping them spread knowledge and understanding about special education at the school.
- Disseminate and/or post flyers about SEPTA events at your school. Consider setting up a SEPTA information table at events like “Back to School night” or your school’s “Fun Fair.”
- Provide school-based newsletter editors and administrators with timely special education updates for inclusion in school newsletters and/or email announcements.
- Attend school-based PTA meetings.
- Serve as a school-based contact person for staff and families of students with disabilities. This often means responding to an email request from an individual parent seeking more information about special education at your school. They may be curious about the school culture; or wonder who to contact for assistance; or seeking other families to connect with.
- Coordinate social activities at your school (parent coffees, play dates, family picnics, etc.).
- Set up a “Sensory tent” at your school’s Fun fair or Carnival night where kids can enjoy a break space with quiet board games, noise cancelling headphones, candy and/or fidget items.
- Arrange for the PRC to provide a brief “What is the Parent Resource Center?” information session at school-based PTA meetings and/or other social gatherings.
- Coordinate and host PRC workshops at your school, such as “Understanding Special Education,” “Becoming an Active Member of Your Child’s IEP Team,” and/or “Easing the Transition from High School to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities.”
Ways to STRENGTHEN SEPTA include:
- Become an Arlington Special Education PTA member!
- Suggest ideas for trainings, materials development, and/or outreach activities to SEPTA and the PRC.
- Help SEPTA collect community donations for the annual SEPTA Auction fundraiser.
- Recommend local businesses and camps to participate in the annual SEPTA Summer Camps & Activities Fair.
- Help identify future volunteers to participate in the Special Education Parent Liaisons program.
What additional resources are available to Parent Liaisons?
- SEPTA Parent Liaison ONLY Discussion List – https://groups.io/g/ArlingtonSEPTA
- Private What’s App Group
- Parent Liaison Google Drive and Downloadable materials
- Parent Liaison Resource Kits