Parenting Children with Disabilities and Maintaining Your Relationship
Thursday, April 21, 2022
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
(7-7:30 p.m. will be for PTA business)
Online via Zoom
Register and Submit Questions:
All SEPTA meetings are open to everyone. Membership is not needed to join the discussion.
Following the meeting we will post a link to the recording on our YouTube channel.
Join Arlington Special Education PTA for its April Meeting focusing on fostering healthy relationships among parents of children with disabilities. For many couples, building and maintaining a strong relationship after having children can be a challenge. For couples that have a child with disabilities, additional stressors can often impact the parents’ relationship. Things such as differences in handling a child’s diagnosis, division of responsibilities in supporting the child, fighting with insurance companies, and researching and finding the right support are just some of the added strains placed on these parents’ relationships. Marriage and family therapist Justine Ruotolo will help us navigate some of these stumbling blocks and help us find a path to strengthen our relationships.
Justine has been an ADHD/Executive Function Coach and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 28 years. She works with adolescents, adults, couples, and parents, both in person and virtually, from her office in McLean, VA. She has ADHD, two grown children with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, and she has faced the challenges in her own marriage of having to balance parenting children with different abilities, relationship issues, and work. Her passion is working with couples who have children with disabilities and are struggling to balance their lives and have a healthy and satisfying relationship.
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