Arlington SEPTA would like to hear from the community, including teachers, parents and students, about your experiences with APS special education. This information will be used to understand the current needs of our community and help us advocate for global improvements where they are needed most, share FAQs, and build community resources.
We may share the information that we receive – in a non-identifying way – with the APS Office of Special Education and others as part of our advocacy initiatives. SEPTA will not share any identifying information you provide to us with anyone outside of SEPTA leadership, unless we first seek and receive your permission to do so. We ask you to please consider sharing your contact information with us so we can follow up to get more information if needed. However, this is not required. If you prefer, you may submit feedback without any identifying information.
Please note that we will not respond to individual feedback unless we need to clarify information. Providing input to SEPTA is not an avenue to address individual concerns, but it can help us to understand and identify potential trends throughout APS and work with OSE to holistically address opportunities. To address student-specific needs, we recommend that you:
1. raise any concerns with the appropriate contact on APS’ flow of communication chart (found here) and/or
2. reach out to the Arlington Parent Resource Center (PRC) to help guide you.
Additional avenues to provide feedback on special education in APS include:
1. Submit your comments to the APS Engage page (which allows for anonymity if that is a concern.)
2. Submit a public comment to the Arlington Special Education Advisory Committee. (This allows for anonymity if that is a concern.)
3. Make a public comment to the Arlington School Board.
4. Speak with a School Board Member at open office hours.