The Ins and Outs of IEP Meetings
with Kathleen Gibson, PEATC
7:00-8:30 PM
Syphax Education Center
2110 Washington Blvd.
Or via Zoom
RSVP: https://forms.gle/JXfsFNatih85T3Ey7
Following PTA business join Kathleen Gibson, Early Childhood Specialist from the Parent Educational Advocacy Center (PEATC) to discuss the ins and outs of IEP meetings. This presentation will help prepare parents for what to expect in the IEP meeting, the importance of measureable IEP goals, and how to have a productive, student-focused meeting. From pre-planning before the meeting to working together afterwards, this presentation will help participants learn how to build relationships while focusing on the needs of the student.
For more information about the meeting including the agenda and any presentation materials following the meeting visit: https://www.arlingtonsepta.org/monthly-meetings/
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