We invite YOU to join the Arlington SEPTA leadership team for the 2022-23 school year and make a positive impact on the APS community next year. Join a team of dedicated, supportive and creative leaders in building a community and providing a voice for families and students with disabilities across Arlington.

We continue to look for volunteers to fill the following roles:
VP Communications
VP Fundraising
Awards Chair
Espacio Hispano Coordinators
Fall & Summer Activities Fair Chair
VP Communications – Lead & manage all communication efforts for the PTA. Responsibilities include managing general information flyers, overseeing SEPTA website, working with PRC to deliver messages via weekly emails, recruiting & coordinating volunteers to increase family engagement.
VP Fundraising – Support and manage all fundraising initiatives led by SEPTA. (Phantom Ball, Holiday Online Auction, Restaurant Fundraising Nights & End of School Picnic to name a few).
Will work with VP of Communications to share partnerships via social media and through listservs. Identify businesses to be solicited. Identify any county-wide needs and hold “supply drives”.
Awards Chair – Oversees the planning and coordination of Arlington SEPTA’s Spring Excellence Awards including the nominating process, coordination of nomination reviewers, communication with nominees, presenters, and APS staff, and ceremony logistics. Duties of this position mostly run from March through May.
Espacio Hispano Coordinators – Support and coordinate with EL Parents/Guardians to help them get the information and resources they need. Work to increase parent and family engagement. Improve community outreach and training opportunities for EL parents and families of students in APS either thru phone calls, emails, open houses or other types of activities.
Fall & Summer Activities Fair Chair – Work with VP Programming to plan activities fairs in September/October and January/February that focus on extra-ciricular activities, camps, and therapies available to Arlington children of all abilities. Identify and communicate with providers, plan and coordinate logistics for the event.
If you are interested in getting involved or have any questions contact president@arlingtonsepta.org.
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