The strength of the Arlington Special Education PTA comes from our members.
- While all community members are welcome to join SEPTA meetings, only members may vote on matters placed before the membership at monthly meetings, including elections and budget votes.
- Each Individual Member is allowed one vote. Family Membership includes two individual votes.
- All memberships expire June 30 no matter when the membership began.
- Individual Membership is $10.00 per school year.
- $3.75 of each membership pays National and State PTA dues.
- Proceeds from membership support the operations of Arlington SEPTA including mini-grants for teachers and educational programing for families and educators.
Questions? Check out the Membership FAQ below.

Become an Arlington SEPTA Member
New Members – Once online payment is complete, you will be sent an email link to the Registration Page to set up a username and password.
Renew your Individual Membership
In order to renew your membership, please login to your profile first on the right side of this page. Once logged in, select the buy now button below.
Sponsored Memberships
We don’t want member dues to prevent anyone from participating as a member in Arlington SEPTA. You can now request a membership from our new Sponsored Membership Fund here. These memberships are offered on a first come, first basis. If funds are not currently available requestors will be placed on a waitlist.
View Your Profile
To see if you have renewed this year, update your profile, or access the directory sign in here.
To Pay By Check
If you would like to pay by check register here.
Sponsor a Membership
If you would like to purchase a gift membership or contribute to the membership fund please click here.
Membership FAQs
I joined in the spring, so do I need to renew in the fall?
Yes, all memberships expire on June 30th no matter when you join. If you are not sure whether your membership is current you can sign in to your account at our website or email the VP of Membership at
Is SEPTA membership the same as my school PTA membership?
No they are different memberships. Arlington SEPTA supports families, teachers and staff across all Arlington Public Schools, while your school PTA supports your individual school.
Do I need to have a child with an IEP to become a member?
No. In fact, like any Parent Teacher Association, the organization is stronger with the support of different voices throughout the community including parents of children of all abilities, teachers (both general education and specialists), and staff from across APS.
Do members have to attend every meeting?
No, we understand everyone has different and busy schedules. While everyone is welcome to our meetings and events (non-members included) it is impossible to accommodate everyone’s schedule. For most meetings you can find a video of the meeting on our YouTube channel the day after the meeting.
If I receive emails from SEPTA does that mean my membership is current?
Not necessarily. We do not kick anyone off the email list unless requested. It is important to us that anyone can receive information about resources and events for students of all abilities in our community, whether they are a member or not. However, only members can post information on our list serve, as well as vote at meetings and submit questions for our annual Superintendent Chat. (And members benefit from the warm fuzzies from supporting the SEPTA programming, advocacy and community!)
Do I have to volunteer if I join?
While we always welcome helping hands, we appreciate every membership and members are in no way required to volunteer. There are always opportunities big and small available that may help you connect with others in our community. However, we respect that we all have very different demands on our time.
Why does part of my membership go to Virginia and State PTA?
All local PTAs pay dues to the National and State PTA which provide essential support to individual PTAs and provide a collective voice to advocate for our schools on state and national levels. PTA dues support things like the Reflections program, PTA publications and resources, advocacy efforts, leadership development, help with tax filing and more.