We wanted to let you know that we need to vote on an amendment to our budget as we are over-budget in our speaker/events category and under budget in other categories. The most recent (April) budget report can be seen here.
This year, in order to make our meetings more accessible, we agreed it would be best to have ASL interpreters support our monthly meetings and decided it made most sense to come from the speaker/event category. In addition to the ASL interpreters fees, our big event is having Paula Kluth speak. Her meetings are always informative, well received, and hopefully will help generate discussion around necessary steps and ways to move the 5-year inclusion plan forward. In order to support our community, families, and teachers, who have many demands on their time, we have decided to pay extra to provide this webinar “On Demand” for an additional two weeks.
With these additions, we are currently approximately $820 over in our speaker/events category, and will still need to budget for interpreters for our June meeting. However, we are a combined $2800 under budget in the following categories: Super Sibs, Documentary Screening, Transportation Breakfast, Parent Liaisons, Espacio Hispano, Summer Activity Fair, and Early Childhood Refreshments. We propose moving $1200 from Super Sibs-$400, Summer Activity Fair-$500, Early Child Hood Refreshments-$100, and Espacio Hispano($200) to help support the remaining programing this year and balance the current need in the speaker/events category.
We ask SEPTA membership to vote on the budget amendment below by midnight on Sunday, May 23rd.
Thank you,
Alison & Kathleen
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