Each spring SEPTA welcomes nominations for the recognition of students, staff, volunteers and schools/programs who have gone above and beyond to champion students of all abilities. All nominees are honored and winners announced at an awards ceremony in May.
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The nomination period for 2024-2025 will close on Monday, March 31, 2025. See you at the Award Ceremony on Wednesday, May 14, 2025!
To submit a nomination:
- Click on “Submit a nomination here” under the appropriate award for the nominee below.
- You do not need to be a member of SEPTA to submit a nomination.
- You may submit multiple nominations for the different categories.
- Write a Nominating Statement of 500 words or less.
- Nominating Statements are provided to award recipients and will be shared in part or in their entirety at the awards event.
- Information about nominators is not shared with award recipients.
Para enviar una nominación:
- Clic en “enviar una nominación aquí” debajo del premio correspondiente para el nominado.
- No es necesario ser miembro de SEPTA para nominar a una persona.
- Puede enviar múltiples nominaciones para las diferentes categorías.
- Escriba un corto ensayo (500 palabras o menos) que demuestre el trabajo de la persona que se está nominando.
- La información proporcionada sobre el nominado se leerá el día del evento de conmemoración.
- La persona que postuló al nominado se mantiene anónima.
The Awards – Los Premios
Annie Turner Award
Outstanding Administrator – administrador excepcional
Submit a nomination here – Enviar una nominación aquí
Includes school-level or county-level administrators, directors, supervisors, coordinators, specialists, and School Board members. This person provides outstanding advocacy for students receiving special education, demonstrates leadership through the school or district’s policy and practices, and creates a culture of valuing, sharing and celebrating special education within the school community and/or county-wide. The nominee goes beyond the job description, to ensure that all students, including students with disabilities, are encouraged and welcomed in before, during, and after school activities, where students’ individualized support needs are thoughtfully considered and addressed.
Incluye administradores, directores, supervisores, coordinadores, especialistas y miembros de la Junta Escolar a nivel de escuela o condado. Esta persona El nominado va por encima de la descripción de su trabajo, que incluye, entre otros: asegurar que todos los estudiantes, incluidos los estudiantes con discapacidades, sean bienvenidos antes, durante y después de las actividades escolares, donde las necesidades de apoyo individualizado de los estudiantes se consideren y aborden cuidadosamente, haciendo que estas oportunidades sean accesibles para todos.

This award is named in honor of Annie Turner who passed away in 2018. Ms. Turner spent 30 years as an educator in Arlington Public Schools, beginning in 1986 at Jamestown Elementary teaching physical education. In 1991, she continued teaching physical education at Drew Model Elementary School. In 1997, Annie was selected as Arlington County Teacher of the Year, and in 2000, became the Assistant Principal at Drew. From 2005-2006, she also served as Assistant Principal at Patrick Henry Elementary School before beginning full time in 2009 (until 2011) as Assistant Principal and Testing Coordinator for Patrick Henry. Ms. Turner was honored as a State Finalist for the 2014 National Outstanding Assistant Principal Award. In the same year, she was appointed to the role of Principal at Patrick Henry, where she served until the time of her death. Ms. Turner was a beloved principal who had a profound impact on her students, staff, and community. During her tenure, she fostered a culture of inclusivity at Patrick Henry, and was an innovative leader with high expectations for all students.
Eileen K. Crawford Award
Outstanding Educator – educador excepcional
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The Crawford Award includes special education and general education teachers, therapists, specialists, related-service providers, Parent Resource Center staff, AsTech staff, counselors, school psychologists, social workers, etc. This nominee is someone who has provided innovative or consistently outstanding services to advance the success of APS students receiving special education services, above and beyond the requirements of their job description, including but not limited to:
– Providing school leadership in developing or carrying out instructional or social practices to promote achievement and participation of students receiving special education services.
– Implementing exceptional teaching practices in the classroom (special education or general education) which enable achievement and participation of students receiving special education services.
Incluye maestros de educación especial y educación general, terapeutas, especialistas, proveedores de servicios relacionados, personal del Centro de Recursos para Padres, personal de AsTech, consejeros, psicólogos escolares, trabajadores sociales, etc. Esta persona se destaca por haber brindado servicios innovadores y/o sobresalientes más allá de los requisitos de su trabajo, para promover el éxito de los estudiantes de APS que reciben servicios de educación especial. Ejemplos incluyen, entre otros:
– Proporcionar liderazgo escolar en el desarrollo o ejecución de prácticas sociales o instructivas para promover el rendimiento y la participación de los estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación especial.
– Implementar prácticas de enseñanza excepcionales en el aula (educación especial o educación general) que permitan el logro y la participación de los estudiantes que reciben servicios de educación especial.

This award is named in honor of Eileen K. Crawford, who passed away in 2012, whose 25 years as an educator included work as a special education coordinator, Parent Resource Center coordinator, who specialized in helping older APS students flourish and successfully transition to adulthood.
Antuon Townsend Award
Outstanding Aide/Assistant or Support Staff – asistente excepcional
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The Exceptional Support Award includes school-level support staff such as classroom aides/assistants, cafeteria, custodial and extended-day staff, or county-level support staff such as transportation staff members. This nominee is someone who has provided innovative or consistently outstanding support to APS students receiving special education services and/or their families, going above and beyond the requirements of their job description.
Incluye personal de apoyo a nivel escolar, asistentes en el aula, cafetería, conserjes y personal de jornada extendida, o personal de apoyo a nivel del condado, como miembros del personal de transporte. Este nominado es alguien que ha brindado un apoyo innovador o sobresaliente a los estudiantes de APS que reciben servicios de educación especial y / o sus familias, yendo más allá de los requisitos de su descripción de trabajo.

This award is named in honor of Antuon Townsend (Coach T), who passed away in 2021 at the age of 39, whose 10 years as an educator included working with students at every grade level. He provided support to many students with disabilities; always keeping an eye out for a student who was on the sidelines and never hesitated to reach out and help them find a place within the H-B Woodlawn Community.
Mary McBride Award
Outstanding School or Program – escuela or programa excepcional
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The McBride Award goes to a school or school-based program that has demonstrated outstanding results in promoting success of students with disabilities through the cooperative efforts of school administration, general education staff, special education staff, parents and students.
Este premio conmemora a una escuela o programa excepcional que ha demostrado resultados sobresalientes en la promoción del éxito de los estudiantes con discapacidades a través de los esfuerzos cooperativos de la administración escolar, el personal de educación general, el personal de educación especial, los padres y los estudiantes.

Mary McBride, 1944-2014, was honored by APS and her colleagues at the Hoffman-Boston Woodlawn Secondary Program for 45 years of distinguished service as a teacher and administrator, just weeks before her untimely passing on May 26, 2014. Mary began her professional career as head-teacher at H-B Woodlawn in 1972 and helped shape its development into a special alternative public high school program, providing quality education in a setting that encouraged student creativity and initiative. Her dissertation for her doctorate in Education Administration at the University of Maryland explored the programs of alternative public schools in the Eastern states. Mary served on important APS committees on diversity, curricula, and standards. She volunteered for the Arlington Food Assistance Center, and was well known and loved throughout Arlington.
Howie Kallem Award
Outstanding Parent or Volunteer – padre o voluntario excepcional
Submit a nomination here – Enviar una nominación aquí
The Howie Award goes to a parent or volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the APS special education community in one or more of the following ways:
-Dissemination of valuable information to staff and/or parents;
-Planning and conducting staff or parent training programs;
-Providing support to school programs by organizing volunteers or providing direct in-school assistance; and/or
-Providing support to parents through participation in group meetings, PTO/PTA functions or other relevant community events.
The Howie Award conmemora a un padre o voluntario excepcional que ha hecho una contribución sobresaliente a la comunidad de educación especial de APS en una o más de las siguientes formas:
-Difusión de información valiosa al personal o a padres de familia;
-Planificación y ejecución de programas de capacitación para el personal o los padres;
-Apoyo a los programas escolares organizando voluntarios o brindando asistencia directa en la escuela;
-Apoyo a los padres a través de la participación en reuniones de grupo, funciones de PTO / PTA u otros eventos comunitarios relevantes.

Former SEPTA secretary and longtime APS parent, special education advocate and community activist, Howie Kallem, was the first recipient of this award. He earned this honor because of his service and counsel to SEPTA in its early years, especially his advice special education and civil rights; his decades of service as a leader at several APS school-based PTAs; and his 14 years of co-chairing the APS Minority Achievement Advisory Committee. His commitment to social justice was also evident in his career as well. Howie worked for 15 years as Chief Regional Attorney for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights in the D.C. Enforcement Office, and previously an attorney with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for 14 years.
Bella Nannini Award
Outstanding Student Advocate – estudiante de educación especial excepcional
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The Nannini Award will go to a student who receives special education services and is currently enrolled in APS. These students have made an outstanding contribution to school objectives, programs or activities in one or more of the following ways:
– Actively participates in school programs that increase peer acceptance and support of individual differences; and/or
– Demonstrates leadership in student activities to promote a spirit of caring, belonging and cooperation among the student body.
The Nannini Award conmemora a un estudiante de educación especial excepcional. Estos estudiantes han hecho una contribución sobresaliente a los objetivos, programas o actividades de la escuela en una o más de las siguientes formas:
– Participan activamente en programas escolares que intentan aumentar la inclusión y aceptación de los compañeros y el apoyo a las diferencias individuales; y / o
– Demuestran liderazgo en las actividades de los estudiantes para promover un espíritu de cuidado, pertenencia y cooperación entre el estudiantado.

Isabella “Bella” Nannini, 2006-2013, was a dedicated student of the Life Skills Program at Glebe Elementary School. In her short life, Bella touched hundreds of people with her tireless spirit, her fierce tenacity, her endless courage, magical laughter, beautiful angelic face and gorgeous wavy hair. Though she was born with significant medical and developmental challenges, Bella always persevered and exceeded expectations, and is an inspiration to all who knew her.
Exceptional Ally Award
Outstanding Student Ally – aliado estudiantil excepcional
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This award will go to a student who is not receiving special education services, but is an APS student. These students are actively involved in helping students with disabilities at their school, other school or program involving school age APS students. These students have made an outstanding contribution to school objectives, programs or activities in one or more of the following ways:
– Actively participates in school programs that increase peer acceptance and support of individual differences; and/or
– Demonstrates leadership in student activities to promote a spirit of caring, belonging and cooperation among the student body.
The Exceptional Ally Award conmemora a un aliado excepcional. Este premio se otorga a un estudiante activo en APS que no está recibiendo servicios de educación especial. Estos estudiantes participan activamente en incorporar estudiantes con discapacidades en actividades de su escuela u otra escuela o programa que involucre a estudiantes en edad escolar de APS.
Estos estudiantes han hecho una contribución sobresaliente a los objetivos, programas o actividades de la escuela en una o más de las siguientes formas:
– Participan activamente en programas escolares que intentan aumentar la inclusión y aceptación de los compañeros y el apoyo a las diferencias individuales; y / o
– Demuestran liderazgo en las actividades de los estudiantes para promover un espíritu de cuidado, pertenencia y cooperación entre el estudiantado.
2024 Awards Ceremony Recording Coming Soon
Ceremonia de Premios 2024
2024 Winners
Crawford Award • Outstanding Educator
Maggie Roth, Teacher of the Visually Impaired for Multiple Schools
McBride Award • Outstanding School or Program
MIP-A, Wakefield High School
Howie Kallem Award • Outstanding Parent or Volunteer
Kathleen Clark, APS Parent
Exceptional Ally Award • Outstanding Student Ally
Murphy Keller & Jamie Hayman, Yorktown High School
Turner Award • Outstanding Administrator
Marvin Flores, K.W. Barrett Elementary
Townsend Award • Outstanding Aide/Assistant or Support Staff
Beth Newlin, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program
Nannini Award • Outstanding Student Advocate
Noah Johnson, Kenmore Middle School
2024 Nominees
Nannini Award- Outstanding Student Advocate
- Sophia Gurney, Wakefield High School
- Noah Johnson, Kenmore Middle School
Exceptional Ally Award- Outstanding Student Ally
- Ahmed Ayderus, Kenmore Middle School
- Ever Rose Daddio, Williamsburg Middle School
- Darby Henman, Williamsburg Middle School
- Cameron James, Kenmore Middle School
- Murphy Keller & Jamie Hayman, Yorktown High School
Howie Kallem Award- Outstanding Volunteer
- Kathleen Clark, Parent
- Maura Daus, Parent
- Veah Velasco, Claire Pascocello & Claire Carrico of Best Buddies
McBride Award- Outstanding School or Program
- Barrett Runners, KW Barrett Elementary School
- Best Buddies, H-B Woodlawn Secondary Program
- Best Buddies, Williamsburg Middle School
- Gunston Middle School
- Integration Station
- Multi-Intervention Program for Students with Autism (MIP-A), Wakefield High School
Crawford Award – Outstanding Educator
- Rehab Beshri Ali, KW Barrett Elementary School
- Jazmyn Beckford, Randolph Elementary School
- Nordia Binns-Malcom, Integration Station
- Eurith Bowen, Kenmore Middle School
- Emily Calhoun, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Samantha Delp, Wakefield High School
- Dwayne Eason, Williamsburg Middle School
- Heidi Heim, Escuela Key
- Lynda Jesukiewicz, Discovery Elementary School
- Milagros Jimenez, Ashlawn Elementary School
- Abigail Kaster, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Fran Kelly, Integration Station
- JoAnne Krisko, Randolph Elementary School
- Heidi Kulick, Integration Station
- Stephanie Leslie, Oakridge Elementary School
- Melissa Leupp, Integration Station
- Dina Lewin, Nottingham Elementary School
- Cara Lewis, Ashlawn Elementary School
- Madeline Long, Ashlawn Elementary School
- Sarah Moody, Tuckahoe Elementary School
- Courtney Morse, Williamsburg Middle School
- Brittany Oman, Arlington Science Focus School
- Andy Paparella, Kenmore Middle School
- Janet Quantrille, Syphax Education Center
- Deborah Rodriguez, Long Branch Elementary School
- Maggie Roth, Multiple Schools
- Kay Seliskar, Swanson Middle School
- Kathryn Speakman, Yorktown High School
- Juliana Spierto, Discovery Elementary School
- Megan Starke, Integration Station
- Leila Vega, KW Barrett Elementary School
- Erin VerWest, KW Barrett Elementary School
Townsend Award – Outstanding Aide/Assistant or Support Staff
- Gloria Montecino, Integration Station
- Jenny Montemayor, Randolph Elementary School
- Mona Lisa Moore, Swanson Middle School
- Beth Newlin, Eunice Kennedy Shriver Program
- Halil Parks, Integration Station
- Miriam Ramirez, Wakefield High School
- Debbie Strauss, Wakefield High School
- Mia Taylor, Long Branch Elementary School
- Jennie Wallace, Integration Station
- Sedrick Watkins, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Turner Award- Outstanding Administrator
- Judy Apostolico-Buck, Barcroft Elementary School
- Marvin Flores, KW Barrett Elementary School
- Sara Shaw, Integration Station
- Megan Stetson, Gunston Middle School
- Sun Wilkoff, Yorktown High School