Universal Design: Supporting All Students in the Diverse Classroom with Dr. Paula Kluth
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Recording available until November 9th.
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Presentation slides:
pdf with 2 slides per page or
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Recording Transcript:
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Resources from the Presentation
Article: Why Everyone Benefits from Including Students with Autism in Literacy Classrooms, by Kelly Chandler-Olcott and Paula Kluth
Resource: Virtual Calm Corner – https://virtualcalmcorner.com
Website: Toy Theater – https://toytheater.com
Free interactive educational games for elementary
Article: Video Captions Benefit Everyone, Morton Ann Gernsbacher
Video: Sanderssciences on TikTok, Membrane bound structures with Chicken Wing Beat
Resource: Take a Break: Teacher Toolbox for Physical Activity Breaks in the Secondary Classroom, by the Colorado Education Initiative
Website: CAST – https://www.cast.org
CAST is a nonprofit education research and development organization that created the Universal Design for Learning framework and UDL Guidelines.
Book: Because We Can Change the World, A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities, by Mara Sapon-Shevin
Website: Paula’s website Inclusion Rules – https://inclusionrules.com
Website: The Techie Teacher – https://www.thetechieteacher.net
A lot of ideas and resources for using technology in different and creative ways to reach all learners
Website: Paula’s Pinterest Page – https://pin.it/1hj5ce7
Lots of ideas for UDL, responsive classroom and more
Website: Self-Determination Research and Tools from University of Kansas Projects include:
The Self-Determination Inventory System (SDIS),
Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction (SDLMI), The Self-Determined Career Design Model (SDCDM)
Resource: Peaceful Playgrounds – https://peacefulplaygrounds.com
The purpose of the Peaceful Playgrounds Physical Activity Programs is to introduce children and school staff to the many choices of playground games available on playgrounds and field areas.
Program Description
Join Arlington SEPTA in welcoming back Dr. Paula Kluth to help us continue the important work of growing inclusive practices in APS. Building on last spring’s webinar “Don’t We Already Do Inclusion: 5 Ways to Create Better Schools for All” and in support of APS’s Student Support Action Plan for Students with Disabilities and Those Requiring Intervention Dr. Kluth will explore an important component of the inclusive classroom, Universal Design.
It’s undoubtedly important to teach in ways that honor learning differences and to structure lessons that are engaging, varied, and appropriately challenging. However, in this era focused on universal design for all, it is also critical to explore the underlying habits of mind related to “teaching them all.” Based on the book of the same title, this presentation centers on big ideas related to teaching and learning. Paula will discuss the role of “teaching up” and presuming both competence and complexity. She will explore the need to focus on student strengths, passions, and interests. She will also talk about the need to design lessons that are responsive and dynamic. This presentation contains video clips, classroom stories, examples, and illustrations. It will provide both points of reflection and practical strategies. More importantly, it features ideas to help all teachers better respond to the diversity that exists in their classrooms every single day.
About Paula Kluth

Dr. Paula Kluth is a consultant, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities and to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners. She is a former K-12 special educator who has served as a classroom teacher, co-teacher, and inclusion facilitator. Paula has also been a university professor and has taught courses on both inclusion and disability studies. Most recently, Paula’s work has centered on helping teachers and administrators educate all students in their schools and classrooms. She also frequently works with families and advocacy groups to support goals related to inclusion. In addition to inclusive education, her professional interests include Universal Design for Learning, coteaching, and educating students with complex support needs.
All In: 18 Ways to Include All Students in Virtual Classrooms is Paula’s newest book. She is also the author or co-author of 15 other titles including Universal Design Daily, 30 Days to the Co-Taught Classroom, Don’t We Already Do Inclusion?, and “You’re Going to Love This Kid!”: Teaching Students with Autism in Inclusive Classrooms. She is also the author of a few books for children including Coaster, a story of a puppy with wonderful wheels.
Paula has won several awards in her field. She is the recipient of the PEAK Parent Center’s Ally for Inclusion Award; The PEAL [Parent Education & Advocacy Leadership] Center’s Inclusive Education Champion Award; The National Down Syndrome Congress’s Educator of the Year; The Belle Center of Chicago’s Inclusion Advocate of the Year; and the University of Wisconsin’s “Forward Under 40” Award.
Learn more about Dr. Kluth at https://www.paulakluth.com
What is Universal Design?
Is this the first time you have heard of Universal Design? Don’t worry you are not alone!
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework based on the science of learning that removes barriers for learning by offering flexibility in the classroom to allow all learners equal opportunities to succeed. The goal is to use a variety of teaching methods that can be adjusted for every student’s strengths and needs, benefiting all students. You can learn more about UDL from these resources: