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Diener School Summer Camp
Elementary School
- Thematic weeks with multi-sensory activities
- Reading and Mathematics skills review incorporated into daily schedules
- Speech therapy and occupational therapy integrated into the program
- Field-trip (in-house or off campus) incorporated through each thematic week
- Gross motor activities that develop body awareness, coordination, strength, balance, stability, and motor planning
- Physical activity promoted in a fun and safe environment
- Build self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-esteem
- Covid-19 protocols in place
Middle School
- Thematic weeks with multi-sensory activities
- Reading and Mathematics skills review incorporated into daily schedules
- Speech therapy and occupational therapy integrated into the program
- Focus on development of social skills and executive functioning strategies
- Field trips (in-house or off campus) incorporated twice through each thematic week
- Exciting STEM projects and activities
- Age-appropriate musical and visual art activities using a variety of media
- Develop a greater sense of independence, responsibility, and self-esteem
- Covid-19 protocols in place
Five Week Program – June 27 – July 29, 2022
Monday-Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm, Friday: 9 am – 1 pm
disAbility Law Center of Virginia
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities.
Americans with disabilities make up one of the United States’ largest minorities. More than 25% live in poverty and only about 20% have gone to college. Seventy–five percent are unemployed. Such economic and social disenfranchisement is not an inevitable consequence of the physical and mental limitations imposed by disability; it is the result of society’s historic response to those limitations: lack of accessibility in the built environment and policies that encourage or even require exclusion, segregation, and institutionalization. The result is a legacy of prejudice and paternalism that is deeply embedded in the social consciousness.
Down Syndrome-Autism Connection
This support is for parents, family members and caregivers who have a loved one with co-occurring Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders, meaning the individual has diagnosed both Down syndrome AND Autism. This is the closed Facebook group of the Down Syndrome-Autism Connection, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and education regarding DS-ASD issues. Visit our public page at “The Down Syndrome-Autism Connection”.