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Brownley Law Group
As parents searching for support for our own children, we found that law firms with any experience in special education uniformly required a significant retainer before they would begin working. We weren’t sure whether we had a legal case, and a large retainer would be an expensive way to find out. After all, like most parents of children with special education needs, we had a lot of expenses already. For a flat rate, we will review the specifics of your case and potential outcomes through Case Analysis.
The Brownley Law Group offers a choice of highly trained and fully qualified special education attorneys, special education advocates, and educational consultants. Whether you are struggling to get the right Individualized Education Program (IEP) in place or trying to determine which schools or educational programs would be best suited for your child, we can help.
We have carefully chosen advocates who have the education, training, and practical experience to help you effectively navigate the difficult world of special education. Many of them have been involved with special education for most of their lives, or have kids with special education needs themselves. You can be sure they will provide you with effective, efficient, and caring support.