Material presented on the Arlington SEPTA Resource Directory is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or endorsement of services and should not be construed as such.
Arlington SEPTA is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services by posting said material. Professional services should be sought if legal or other specific expert assistance is required.
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Inova Fairfax Kellar Center – kids
Inova Kellar Center has provided behavioral health services for children, adolescents and their families for more than thirty years. Our comprehensive mental health and substance use disorder treatment programs and an innovative special education school support families throughout Northern Virginia and have continued to expand to meet future needs.
The Inova Kellar Center was founded in 1991 in partnership with Inova and visionaries Art and Betty Kellar, who had a strong commitment to serve children and families in the multicultural Northern Virginia region, and is part of the comprehensive offerings of Inova Behavioral Health Services. Today, the Inova Kellar Center has two locations, one in Fairfax, Virginia, and the other in Sterling, Virginia, serving Loudoun County.
J.D. Hiznay, PLLC
The firm provides a number of services, with a focus on serving students with disabilities seeking services and accommodations to ensure they can develop the academic and functional skills needed to maximize their independence as an adult. The firm provides direct consultation with family members. Areas of consultation include:
Private consultation and coaching for parents and guardians whose children with unmet learning needs, including identification of strengths and needs
Consultation on strategies to obtain services and accommodations, psychological/educational testing, therapeutic support, and application for public benefits
Representation in educational matters for students with learning differences, including 504 Plans & Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), and school placement decisions
Assessment of school placement needs.
Representation in school discipline matters for children with disabilities
Consultation on transition and post-secondary preparedness, including assessment of legal needs upon the age of majority
Referral to specialists who provide comprehensive diagnostic assessments, therapeutic interventions including occupational therapy and speech-language-therapy, and medical or psychiatric interventions as applicable.
Jill’s House
Jill’s House is a Christian Nonprofit organization that provides families raising kids with intellectual disabilities, ages 6-17, with short-term overnight respite care in the DC metro area and around the country.
Kids enjoy fun activities tailored to their interests and abilities for 24-48 hour stays, meanwhile their parents get a chance to rest and recharge. We offer care for the whole family through regularly scheduled typical sibling nights, parent support groups, and family retreats.
Rest is vital for families raising kids with intellectual disabilities, due to the high amount of stress they face every day. Respite care is proven to reduce this stress by 60% within the first night, and helps create a healthier environment of balance for the family as a whole.
Jill’s House – Summer Weekend Camp
Children with intellectual disabilities are like most kids. They enjoy playing games, having cookouts, and going on hikes with friends. But it can often be difficult for families to find these activities with the interests and abilities of their children in mind, which is why Jill’s House created an unforgettable two-night camping experience tailored specifically for these amazing children and the volunteers who celebrate them.
Jill’s House trained staff, including child care specialists, nurses, and a team of volunteers, are always available during the day to ensure your child’s safety and give them a fun and positive experience.
At night, your child will sleep in a small cabin with attached bathroom, along with a few of their new friends. A child care specialist will be awake and available through the night to attend to any child’s needs.
Meals are prepared in the main kitchen by camp staff with your child’s special dietary restrictions in mind.
KEEN – Kids Enjoy Exercise Now
KEEN’s Mission: Empower youth with disabilities and impact volunteer coaches through participation in free, non-competitive, one-on-one programs of physical activity and fun, supporting the overall health and well-being of all participants.
KEEN’s Vision: Create communities in which individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities for recreation, fitness, and friendship; provide families with respite and a supportive network; foster a lifelong commitment to positive change for volunteers through their engagement with KEEN athletes; develop partnerships to actively promote disability awareness.
KEEN Greater DC-Baltimore will continue to be guided by our core principles of accepting every child, regardless of the nature or severity of their disability, providing all programs entirely free of charge, and meeting the needs of the individual athlete, allowing everyone to find success and joy.
Kennedy Krieger
The Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD) at Kennedy Krieger Institute is a multifaceted, interdisciplinary program serving children, families and professionals in the autism community. The center combines clinical services, research and training programs to unlock the potential autistic children and tends, enrich their life experiences, empower parents and promote the well-being of families through evidence-based practices. One of our major endeavors is developing effective new models of care for families and providers – locally, nationally and internationally.
Kids Up Reading Coaches
We offer evidence-based 1-on-1 tutoring to kids in grades 1-12 who are struggling with reading and spelling. Sessions take place before/during/after school or camp, are based on the Science of Reading and Orton-Gillingham, and are customized to meet each student’s needs.
Lab School of Washington
Summer is the time for fun! It’s also the time when academic skills can slip, making it difficult for students to maintain the progress they have worked so hard to achieve. The Lab School’s summer programs are designed to help students discover their strengths, exercise their creativity, tackle academic challenges, and prepare for the school year ahead. Lab’s programs offer options for enrichment as well as for filling in gaps in learning, especially important after the past year. Our four-week program is brimming with imagination, excitement, and innovative teaching to help students understand their needs, address their weaknesses, build confidence, and develop techniques for becoming independent learners.
Leap Ahead
Leap Ahead, Inc. offers morning program, afternoon program, or full-day program options for children with autism & other related disorders. We are accepting children ages 5 to 11 years. If you are interested in your child participating in our Summer Program, please fill out the Program Request Form and the Summer Program Intake Form found on this page. Your request will be reviewed; you will receive a notification if your child has been accepted within 7-10 days. New families require an appointment to ensure you child meets the criteria for our Summer Program. Registration of a minimum of 4 weeks is required (indicate any 4 weeks on form). Peer role models will be present to aid in facilitating language and social skills on Group Therapy days when available.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Since 1964, LDA has provided support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals with cutting edge information on learning disabilities, practical solutions, and a comprehensive network of resources. These services make LDA the leading resource for information on learning disabilities.
Levine School – Music Therapy Mini-Camp
In this music therapy summer camp experience, children ages 5-9 with a variety of learning differences participate in fun and engaging music making experiences led by Levine’s board-certified music therapists. The week also provides opportunities for campers to work on nonmusical areas like socialization, communication, and self-expression. Each day, campers engage in movement experiences, creative expression opportunities, music games, and explore instruments like piano, guitar, ukulele, and more!
Life Changing Fitness – Get Moving Get Social Camp
“GET MOVING GET SOCIAL” THERAPEUTIC SUMMER CAMP will incorporate movement through the use of team sports such as: basketball, soccer, tennis, football, frisbee and volleyball; and other interactive equipment that aid in developing sport skills. By improving their sport skills they will build their self esteem, self confidence, their physical ability and social skills. It will also allow them to improve communication skills, team work, and cooperation.
This summer camp is for children with special needs, but we also accept siblings without special needs.
Your children will:
Learn to work in groups with other children
Learn the fundamentals of different sports
Learn leadership roles
Learn to give directions and follow instructions
Learn to take turns
Lift Me Up Therapeutic Riding Center
Maryland School for the Blind Summer Programs
Student Short Courses
MSB offers short course programs to students (1st-12th grade) during the summer to promote skill development in the nine areas of the Expanded Core Curriculum. During the summer, we provide 1-4 week intensive programs in specific academic and ECC skill areas. Our short courses are taught by highly trained and highly qualified MSB staff as well as staff from county vision programs around the state and other organizations that provide services to the visually impaired population. Some of these programs may include a small charge. Short courses can be provided on the MSB campus or regionally.
Check our calendar in …. for course offerings held during the summer.
Student Summer Programs
TRECCK for Success Program
Summer courses that focus on 5 areas of the ECC: technology skills, compensatory skills (braille and print literacy), independent living skills, recreation/leisure skills and career education. Courses are offered every day so students can sign up for as many classes as they are interested in. This is a four week program for students in 1st-12th grades.
Mastering Independence Skills Through Living Experiences (MISLE) is a worked based, residential (M-F) program for students with visual impairments ages 16-21 years of age, designed specifically to provide intensive instruction in the areas of organization, work experience, social skills, mobility and more. This program runs for 4 weeks each summer.
Contact Dareen Barrios for more information
MSB Camp Abilities
Our mission at MSB Camp Abilities is to provide students from across the state (and neighboring states) with an authentic and educational opportunity to participate in a variety of sports, health-enhancing activities, and social opportunities that they can continue after their week of camp. We strongly promote independence and self-advocacy throughout the week and encourage them to socialize and develop strong relationship with peers that will last a lifetime.
For more information, contact Tim Taylor at
MSB Camp Abilities at Lions Camp Merrick
A five-day overnight outdoor education camp held annually in July for youth ages 9-17 who are blind or visually impaired held at Lions Camp Merrick on the beautiful Potomac River in Nanjemoy, MD.
McIntyre DeFede Law PLLC
Upholding The Rights Of Virginia Students And Teachers
Parents, students and teachers rarely expect that an issue with school could create the need for an attorney, but sometimes it does. At our law firm, we assist clients throughout Virginia with the following education law matters:
Discipline: If your child is facing suspension, expulsion or any other form of discipline from a public or private school, it is important to contact an attorney. We are familiar with the administrative hearings in all of Northern Virginia and will be able to tailor your approach accordingly.
Matters involving a college or university:Whether you are seeking in-state tuition, have been disciplined for honor code violations, need disability services or are in a dispute with a private college or university, we can help. One of the most important things a student can do is to consult with us before completing the application to request a change in status from out-of-state to in-state tuition. Virginia High School League: If your student has been denied eligibility to participate in athletics by the VHSL, our attorneys can assist you in the appeals process.
Special education: Our attorneys represent parents of students with disabilities at all levels of the special education process, including initial eligibility, IEP meetings, placement decisions, manifestation determination reviews (MDR) and causality hearings, 504 Plans, State Complaints, administrative reviews, transportation concerns, behavior issues, including FBA and BIP development and implementation, mediation and ultimately due process hearings. Although we primarily represent clients in Northern Virginia, we have cases throughout the Commonwealth with the ability to attend IEP meetings by telephone.
Advocating for teachers: We have extensive experience assisting teachers with negative evaluations and utilizing the grievance procedures, including in cases of termination. Teachers also rely on our firm’s expertise when it comes to dealing with a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation. Our attorneys are familiar with the impact a CPS finding will have on a teacher and the appeals procedures which need to be followed.
McLean Psychotherapy Practices
McLean Psychotherapy Practices is comprised of four independent licensed psychotherapists. For more information about each psychotherapy practice please click on the links below.
Anne R. Fleury, LCSW, PLLC
Lisa O. Elkin, Psy.D
Cynthia R. Mathis, LMFT, PLLC
Nicole W. McGarry, LPC, PLLC
Preschool Groups – The primary goals for preschool groups are to assist with school preparation, encourage collaborative play, help children label and identify feelings, develop empathy, establish boundaries, develop and maintain friendships, read social cues, and improve imaginary play skills. These play-oriented groups incorporate a variety of therapeutic approaches including the Floortime or DIR method, expressive play therapy techniques, and behavioral approaches.
School Age Groups – The primary goals for school age groups are to help your child develop and maintain friendships, learn to read social cues, identify and process feelings, build confidence, develop empathy, establish better boundaries, strengthen outdoor play skills, and explore feelings about social inclusion and exclusion. These groups also incorporate a variety of therapeutic approaches including the Floortime or DIR method, expressive play therapy techniques, and behavioral approaches.
Adolescent Groups – The primary goals of adolescent groups are to provide a safe environment for preadolescents and adolescents to talk about peer pressure, process their feelings about social interactions, develop and maintain friendships, increase self esteem, regulate emotions, develop empathy, healthfully manage mood and anxiety, and improve family relationships. These groups are tailored to address specific issues raised by group members and clinicians use psychodynamic/insight-oriented, cognitive-behavioral (CBT), dialectical behavior (DBT), and solution-focused therapeutic approaches.
Young Adults Groups – The primary goals of young adults groups (ages 18-25) are to provide a safe environment for young adults to talk and connect with each other around issues related to post-high school/college/career decisions, connecting/maintaining friendships with peers, mood disorders/anxiety and how that impacts their experience as a young adult, and dating/romantic relationships. These groups are tailored to address specific issues raised by group members.
McLean School Summer Edge
SummerEdge 2022 will be offered in person from June 21-July 29. Our expert teachers are keenly prepared to support students whose most recent academic program may have caused confusion, or lack of progress. These are unprecedented times, but one thing will stay just the same: SummerEdge’s commitment to doing what we do best, which is provide a summer camp experience with fun paced learning and recreational activities, even in the most challenging of times.
Meredith Jaeckel Consulting
(From provider website.)
Meredith helps families understand their child’s unique challenges and gets them pointed in the right direction.
She partners with parents to create a roadmap, identifying and taking advantage of the best of the abundant public and private resources available in the Greater Washington DC Metro Area.
Meredith delivers customized solutions for the unique needs of each family, including:
• Assessing their child’s individual strengths, challenges, and needs
• Helping families assess the pros and cons of pursuing public vs private therapies and/or support services
• Matching families with appropriate private evaluators and service providers
• Reviewing evaluation reports and advising families on next steps
• Walking families through the Child Find process
• Assisting families who are pursuing special education services or a 504 plan
• Reviewing IEPs and preparing families for IEP meetings
• Case managing a team of private providers as necessary
• Helping families evaluate school placement options
Merril Lynch Special Needs Group
MONA Special Moms Listserve
This is a support and resource group for parents or caregivers of children with special needs, residing primarily in Arlington, VA.
My Education Advocate
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
Arlington Family Groups
When: 4th Tuesday of each month; 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact: Debra Byrd at
*Please contact Debra Byrd to confirm the meeting time before attending for the first time.
Check the calendar for the details
(Focus: Parents of Older Teens and Young Adults ages 18-30)
When: 3rd Sunday each month; 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Contact: Naomi Verdugo at (703) 862-9588 for more information on the virtual meetings.
*Please contact Naomi to receive the zoom link for this group meeting.
(Focus: Parents of Children PK- 12th grade)
When: Sundays, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
November 7th, 21st
December 5th
Contact: Michelle Best
*Please contact Michelle to receive the zoom link for this group meeting.
Connection (Peer) Virtual Support Groups:
For adults (18+) living with a mental health condition
Arlington Connection Group
When: 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month; 10:15am – 11:45am
Contact: Joanna at (202) 579-9473 or
Check the calendar for the details
NOVA Cool Cats
Special Hockey Northern Virginia exists for the enrichment of the athlete with a developmental disability. In addition to physical hockey skills, the program emphasizes the development of desirable individual characteristics such as dependability, self-reliance, concentration, willingness to share and personal accountability. The game of hockey is used by Special Hockey Northern Virginia to develop within each player the characteristics that will help the player to be more successful both inside and outside a hockey environment. Male and females of all ages are welcome.
NoVa Therapeutic Riding Program
2022 Summer Camp registration will be handled directly through NVTRP!
We will open registration at the beginning of February.
To be added to the email distribution list for summer camp information, please email
Oakwood School – Annandale
Continuing 50 years of the Oakwood School experience serving students with Learning Differences, Summer @ Oakwood is a bridge between academic years, offering intensive morning academics in a relaxed summer environment. The Summer Program is staffed by experienced Oakwood teachers who provide specialized instruction tailored to the individual needs of each student and who support each student’s social growth.
Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)
PEATC provides tools and information to empower Virginia students with disabilities (birth- age 26) and their families.
We can help you learn how to:
- Move through the special education and disability services system maze
- Build effective communication skills Encourage self-advocacy and self- determination in students
- Develop collaborative partnerships
PEATC provides one-on-one consultations workshops, webinars, and trainings
easy to understand factsheets.
Parents Of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia (POAC-NoVA)
Parents Of Autistic Children of Northern Virginia (POAC-NoVA) and its predecessor organization has worked for more than two decades to improve the quality and quantity of education for students with autism in Northern Virginia.
By meeting regularly with the decision makers in Northern Virginia school districts, POAC-NoVA strives to keep our members’ concerns front and center. We have developed relationships that allow our members to not only have their concerns heard, but acted upon.
We also closely follow the education budget process at the local and state level and alert our members when programs that serve our kids are in jeopardy.
POAC-NoVA offers a private member listserv and monthly newsletter when you join.
We also hold meetings several times per year on topics of interest to our community. Topics include expert advice on developing a successful IEP for your child, inclusion opportunities within schools, adapted sports and recreation opportunities for your child and your family, and many more. Learn more information about upcoming meetings.
POAC-NoVA also hosts a BBQ pool party in July and a holiday party in December.
PEATC Latino – grupo de chat
El programa de Alcance Latinx de PEATC se enfoca en brindar educación y recursos a nuestra población Hispana/Latinx en el estado de Virginia, completamente en español. El objetivo de este programa es difundir información en el idioma con el que las familias se sientan más cómodas, pero al mismo tiempo teniendo en cuenta su cultura y creencias.Al brindar nuestros servicios en español, PEATC asegura la inclusión de todas las familias y el aumento de la comunicación y comprensión en el área de Educación Especial.
Grupo de Chat para Padres: Únete a nuestro nuevo GRUPO DE CHAT mediante la aplicación de WhatsApp y podrás mantenerte al tanto de todo lo que PEATC Latino está haciendo.
Entra al GRUPO:
Phillips-Programs for children and families
Pizer Law PLLC
Attorney Wendy Pizer supports families in Arlington and Northern Virginia as they navigate the complex world of special education. When a student struggles at school, it can be difficult for parents to know what to do. As an experienced attorney with a focus in special education law, Wendy works with families to understand the student’s unique strengths and needs, identify solutions and advocate for appropriate services and accommodations.
Wendy can assist families with:
Legal and Strategic Advice
Analysis of School Plans
Review of School Records and Evaluations
Advocacy at School Meetings
School Communications
Problem-Solving and Dispute Resolution
Pozez JCC of Northern Virginia
Camp Achva Inclusion
Our traditional camp provides fun and formative summer experiences for school-age children in grades K–10 and welcomes campers of all abilities. Families are allowed to send an Inclusion Support Staff if their camper needs additional support throughout the camp day. We also make reasonable accommodations to help ensure a successful time at camp.
Camp Kadima – 1st to 6th Grade Social Skills Camp
Kadima is a recreational social skills group for children with Level 1 Autism. Kadima’s mission is to improve social and emotional skills in a safe and nurturing environment. This camp is designed to provide opportunities to build self-esteem, social competence, independence skills, self-awareness, and foster positive relationships. Campers learn and grow dynamically as the camp is designed for social success.The camp day includes social skills lessons in conjunction with general camp activities such as sports, arts & crafts, music, and much more!
Camp Tikvah – 7th – 10th Grade Life Skills Camp
For rising 7th – 10th grade teens with ID/DD, Tikvah offers the traditional Camp Achva summer experience blended with social skill development in a safe, supportive, and fun-loving environment with lower staff to camper ratios. Tikvah teens will participate in community service projects, go on a field trip, and build both self-confidence and self-awareness through engaging camp programming. Camp Achva’s summer location at the Gesher Jewish Day School provides campers the space to enjoy their summers in a natural camp environment with an opportunity to connect to the world around them each and every day.
INCLUSION AT J SUMMER CAMPS: We support the inclusion of all children in camp. We follow the model that all people deserve to be included in society, no matter one’s physical, social, or emotional needs. Camp is a place to learn, grow, and have fun! We encourage everybody to experience camp sometime in their lives. If your child needs additional support to successfully participate in Camp Achva, for an additional fee we can arrange for an Inclusion Support Specialist that would be a good fit for your child. We look forward to supporting you and your child in a successful and fun-filled summer! Need accommodations? No problem.
Progressive Pediatrics
Progressive Pediatric Therapy, founded in 2007, is a pediatric therapy practice located in Falls Church, Virginia.
We provide a variety of services for infants, toddlers, and school-age children including physical, occupational, speech, and art therapy. We also provide hippotherapy and aquatic therapy at offsite locations.
Our therapy programs are on a one-on-one basis with a licensed therapist. Each session is individualized to meet the needs of the child and the family.
Our staff is very experienced in providing high quality professional care and personalized family-based services for children.
Therapies offered include: Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Art Therapy, Hippotherapy, Aquatic Therapy
Rainbow Center Therapeutic Riding Center
Rainbow offers specialized programming for children and teens with physical, cognitive and emotional challenges. Every participant is an individual and we work with each child and teen to develop an individual plan that builds on their abilities. Our program works to create a positive experience where children and teens learn riding and equestrian skills while building a relationship with their horse and team.
Our team is trained to adapt horseback riding and ground work exercises to be safe, rewarding and fun. From selecting the right equipment, highly trained horses, volunteer support and experienced instructors, we strive to make riding accessible to everyone!
RAISE Center
Resources for Access, Independence,
Self-Advocacy and Employment
What you can find here:
- Resources on youth and transition
- Resources on employment for youth
- Upcoming events
- Newsletter articles
- Training and webinar information
Reach Pediatric Rehab
Pediatric physiatry is a field of medicine focused on optimizing function.
I look at a child’s diagnosis and their individual physical functioning, and use the latest research to give recommendations on how to improve it.
Reach Pediatric Rehab treats a wide range of diagnoses and impairments.
Our highly trained, compassionate team provides your child with individualized, fun and meaningful rehab to help them reach their specific goals. Your child is unique and deserves unique care. You’ll love our child-first approach, designed with a special focus and specific tools to help your child meet the demands of their development. We care for children and teenagers across the care continuum, from birth through the high school years plus adults with childhood disabilities such as cerebral palsy.
Diagnoses We Treat
- Brain injury, including:
- Traumatic
- Hypoxic
- Stroke
- Infection
- Encephalitis
- Cancer
- Brain tumors
- Disability related to cancer treatment
- Cerebral palsy
- Concussion
- Sports-related
- Non-sports related
- Demyelinating disorders, including:
- Transverse myelitis
- Acute flaccid myelitis
- Neuromyelitis optica
- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- Genetic disorders
- Neurodegenerative disorders
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Muscular dystrophy
- Spinal muscular atrophy
- Congenital myopathy
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Plagiocephaly
- Spina bifida
- Spinal cord injury – traumatic or non-traumatic
- Toe walking – any cause
- Torticollis
Impairments We Treat
- Cognition and communication
- Contractures
- Dystonia
- Gait (walking)
- Motor skills
- Gross Motor Skills
- Fine motor function
- Spasticity
- Swallowing
Round Lake Camp at Camp Nah-Jee-Wah
Round Lake Camp is an INCLUSION PROGRAM within Nah-Jee-Wah and Cedar Lake Camps for children ages 7 to 17 with learning differences, social communication disorders and ADHD.
Fun. Friendship. Learning. Round Lake Camp is located on 1250 wooded acres, approximately 90 minutes from New York City. This meadow and mountain environment creates a backdrop for fun-filled days.
The inclusion model at NJY Camps is unique in the camping world. We have created an environment of opportunity and choice. At NJY Camps we believe in creating an inclusive environment in which Round Lake campers are able to integrate into all mainstream activities based on their level of comfort and interest. Campers are able to attend a typical sleep away camp, while benefitting from the additional supports put in place for Round Lake campers. We achieve this by sharing all the facilities and programming with our mainstream camps Camp Nah-Jee-Wah and Cedar Lake Camp. We also provide programming specific to Round Lake campers for those who prefer it. Some campers choose to integrate all throughout the day, while other campers choose to join the mainstream programs for certain activities. Campers’ schedules are individualized based on their needs and requests.
The Round Lake Goal
Confidence. Achievement. Self-Worth. Each experience at Round Lake is designed to help develop confidence and improve peer interaction, as well as to have fun and feel secure in their camp environment. A chief motivation that informs the design of all programming is the mission to help campers improve their social skills in a supportive environment. Campers experience success in their daily lives, develop healthy relationships with their peers and learn necessary life skills. While keeping a strong focus on the group dynamic, we are always looking to foster individual achievements and pride. Our program is flexible and individualized such that each camper’s interests, needs, goals and supportive services can be met. The camp experience is designed to offer campers life skills that lead to success and a feeling of accomplishment, and developed to encourage our campers to be part of a group.
The group experience is the keystone to success. Friendship and communication are the cornerstones of every camper’s goals. Campers are placed within a compatible cabin group where constant opportunity for self-understanding and friendship is provided.
The Round Lake Camper
Unique. Valued. Supported. Round Lake Camp serves children between the ages of 7 to 17 with a wide array of special needs. Campers come from both private and public educational environments in which they have been a part of resource programs, self-contained classrooms and general education settings. Acceptance is contingent upon interviews and supportive materials which are consistent with camp’s philosophy. Our campers present with a variety of diagnoses including, but not limited to, high-functioning autism, ADHD, communication disorders, social skills challenges and learning disabilities.
Our 7 to 11 year old Round Lake campers reside in dedicated bunks on the Nah-Jee-Wah campus, while campers 12 years and older live in dedicated bunks on the Cedar Lake Campus. To insure a strong inclusive program, we share all the facilities and programming with our respective camps. Our campers benefit from the support of a high counselor to camper ratio. In particular, the campers have strong support during the unstructured parts of the day, for example, during meals, clean up, rest hour, and shower hour.
Full Season: June 28 – August 18
1st Session: June 28 – July 25
2nd Session: July 26 – August 18
Six Weeks: June 28 – August 7
Two Weeks 1st Session:: June 28 – July 10
Two Weeks 2nd Session: July 26 – August 7
Ruby’s Rainbow
Ruby’s Rainbow is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supporting the higher educational needs of individuals with Down syndrome while showing the world just how cool and capable they are!!
SENG – Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted
SENG’s mission is to empower families and communities to guide
gifted and talented individuals to reach their goals: intellectually,
physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
SENG envisions a world where gifted, talented and creative individuals are
supported to build gratifying, meaningful lives and contribute to the well-being
of others. To this end, SENG reaches out to diverse communities that share
our mission across the nation and the globe.
SENG provides information, develops programming, and serves gifted children and individuals, as well their families, educators, and health professionals, according to our guiding values: community, compassion, growth, gratitude, transparency, and diversity.
– See more at:
Sibling Support Project
About the Sibling Support Project: Founded in 1990, the Sibling Support Project is the first national program dedicated to the life-long and ever-changing concerns of millions of brothers and sisters of people with special health, developmental, and mental health concerns.
We’ve published books for and about brothers and sisters, host online groups for teen and adult siblings, and presented workshops on sibling issues internationally and in every state.