Each year Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) hosts a FREE Summer Activities Fair open to the Arlington community to help you plan your family’s summer! Come learn about options for summer learning and adventure. SEPTA invites vendors from near and far– day camps and sleep-away camps, social skills, or outdoor adventure. There is something for every child.

Saturday, February 1, 2025
12:00 PM –3:00 PM
Walter Reed Recreation Center
2909 16th Street South, Arlington, VA
Activities for the kids and refreshments will be provided.
Vendors can register here.
Material presented on the Arlington SEPTA Resource Directory is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or endorsement of services and should not be construed as such.
Arlington SEPTA is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services by posting said material. Professional services should be sought if legal or other specific expert assistance is required.
We hope this is a good starting place for your family to find summer camp options. This is in no way a comprehensive list and welcome suggested additions. Email info@arlingtonsepta.org.
If you would like to narrow your search you can enter keywords in the search box below to search within each section. You can reach for mention of a specific diagnosis or activity, but keep in mind some entry descriptions may not be as detailed as others. The information within each entry either comes from the provider’s website or has been supplied by the provider.
Day Camps
Camp Accomplish
Camp Akeela
In college, I worked at Camp Akeela in Thetford Center, Vermont (about half an hour from Hanover, NH). It’s a camp for kids who benefit from a little more structure and social skills instruction than you might find at a “typical” camp, but also provides the typical summer camp experience. Many of the campers are on the autism spectrum or are diagnosed with ADHD or a learning disability, but there is no “label” required to be a camper there. This summer, they are also opening a second campus in Wisconsin. As a counselor, those were some of the best summers of my life, and I know many campers and families who say the same!
Camp Akeela in Vermont
A 3.5 week sleep-away camp in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. Campers live in cabins with up to 8 peers and 4 counselors. Traditional New England camp program includes arts, outdoor adventure & ropes course, athletics, pool & lakefront aquatics, and more!
Camp Akeela in Wisconsin
A 2 week sleep-away camp on the stunning Midwest campus of Lawrence University in central Wisconsin. Housing in college dorm halls is organized to create community and “cabin life” with peers and counselors. Program includes visual and performing arts, athletics, swimming, computer programming and more!
Programs For Older Teens & Families
In addition to our camps for grades 3 – 10, Akeela offers Beyond Akeela, preparing 11th and 12th graders for life after high school, with an emphasis on social skills, independent living skills, community service and FUN! Family Camp is a one-week Vermont overnight camp in mid-August for parents and children to bond and meet new friends.
Camp Attaway
Camp Attaway is a three-week summer day camp for children ages 7-13 with emotional and behavioral disorders. It is a place where children who know failure too well can break out of their negative cycles and learn new skills.
There is a screening process for each camper interested in registering for Camp Attaway. The screening process serves four major purposes:
- An opportunity for the parents to share their present concerns about their child’s development in the social, emotional and behavioral areas along with identifying their child’s strengths;
- To gather vital developmental and family history of the camper along with reviewing psychological, educational, psychiatric, neuropsychological, speech and occupational evaluation reports, as well as Individual Educational Plans;
- For parents to identify goals they would like Camp Attaway to address in working with their child;
- For the child to be interviewed by the camp director in helping determine whether Camp Attaway would be a good fit for him/her.
Camp 2022- Dates – This summer Camp Attaway will be held in Laurel/Columbia, MD. Tentative dates for campers are July 1 to July 22. Each camp day starts promptly at 9:00am and ends at 3:00pm.
Camp Chatterbox
Camp Chatterbox is a one-week overnight camp in New Jersey for children and young adults, ages 5-22, who use synthesized Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, such as eye gaze accessible speech generating devices, tablets with communication applications, etc. It is for independent campers or campers with their families. All campers participate in a range of social, recreational, and educational activities led by licensed and qualified professionals, to promote use of their communication systems and interact with other children.
Camp Free2BMe
Camp Free2BMe is designed specifically for children ages 8 to 18, who have a primary diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome, autism, or developmental delay.Camp Free2BMe is a unique summer day camp offering social skills programming combined with recreational opportunities to children ages 8 and up. Each week is focused on a specific skill and is learned through outings, art, music, themed activities, individual and group projects. Our senior camp practices their skills out in the community three to four days per week. RAIN uses an evidence based peer to peer model in all of our programs. Peer to peer support programs and inclusion of students with ASD not only contributes to positive outcomes for the campers with ASD, but can also impact a number of outcomes for peers. RAIN also offers programs throughout the school year on Saturdays (Social Saturdays)
Camp Lighthouse – Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind
Camp Lighthouse, a one-week day camp is held for children between the ages of 6 and 12 and includes games, recreation, arts and crafts, braille activities, field trips and special guests.
Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind helps children who are blind or visually impaired develop the social and academic skills and self confidence to lead independent and fulfilling lives. Through its children’s programs and services, CLB provides important instruction for infants and toddlers, supports academic learning and social skills development as children grow, and is a resource for parents, families and schools.
Camp Virginia Jaycee
Families can experience camp together and have the added support of counselors. Activities are created to provide fun for all ages and create lasting memories for the whole family.
We offer respite weekends in the spring and fall designed to give family members a much needed break. Campers will experience many of the same activities during summer session with a smaller more intimate format. These weekends are suitable for ages 5 and up.
Our counselor ratio averages 2 to 1 specially trained and supervised on-site by a child development specialist. We have a Registered Nurse (RN) on the premises 24/7 when camp is in session.
Very conscientious, loving camp and 1:1 aides for a very reasonable price. Lots of Arlington families come, too, usually every year. Kids with serious physical and developmental disabilities are welcome. All of the staff are very loving and knowledgeable — including the sweet, much loved chef, who bends over backwards to accommodate special diets of the kids. Dr. Shirley O’Brien can be reached at info@campvajc.org.
Basic cabin accommodations, but the wilderness is everywhere! We saw deer come about 10 feet from my older son and my younger son won Fisherkid of the Year award last time he went.
Capernaum Arlington – Young Life Club
Join us for the BEST WEEK OF YOUR LIFE at CAMP!! There will be horseback riding, a ropes course, basketball, swimming pool, a zip line, water slides, a huge lake, a game room, bunk beds with your friends, and so much more…
Commonwealth Academy
Sports & Adventure Overnight Camp:
Sports & Adventure Camp offers a different off-campus adventure each day of the week plus an overnight campout.
Camp Cougar:
Camp Cougar is a fun-filled, multi-activity day camp that allows the campers to map out each camp day.
Basketball Camp:
Campers will improve their fundamental skills while also learning more advanced concepts. Individual skills will be honed as well as team play.
E-sports Camp:
Esports camp offers Overwatch and Rocket League traininig & competitions.
Algebra II:
Algebra II is a one-credit course that is an extension of Algebra I.
Virtual Reality & Aerial Robotics
It will allow students to use the Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality systems to engage in individual and group virtual reality games.
Sports & Adventure Camp: 5th – 8th
June 13 -17
June 20 – 24
June 27 – July 1st
Camp Cougar: 3rd – 8th
June 13 – 17
June 20 – 24
June 27 – July 1
July 5 – 8*
July 11 – 15
July 18 – 22
July 25- 29
Basketball Camp: 6th – 12th
July 5 -8th
Overwatch Grades: 6th – 12th
June 13 -17
Rocket League 3rd – 12th
June 20 -24
Algebra II: June 20 – July 29th
Virtual Reality & Aerial Robotics
Grades: 6th – 12th
Overnight Camps
Camp Buckskin
Camp Buckskin is an overnight summer camp program that specializes in serving boys and girls ages 6-18 who are experiencing academic and/or social skill difficulties. Specifically, the majority of our campers have a primary diagnosis of AD/HD and/or learning disabilities, while others have an additional or related diagnosis. While these diagnoses make these individuals somewhat unique, they have the same needs as everyone else. To best address these needs most of our campers benefit from some special education services in a mainstream setting, while others receive some pull out services or attend specialized private schools. In addition, many of our campers benefit from a combination of medical and other professional services. The Buckskin program utilizes the summer break and a camp setting to supplement the efforts of the home, school and others to resolve these areas of need. Since our start in 1959, more than 7,000 children have benefitted from our therapeutic program. These young people have experienced a great deal of personal growth and improvement as reported by their parents, teachers and other involved professionals.
Program Design and Purpose:
The overall Buckskin program design is twofold in nature. Firstly, we serve as a preventive or early intervention program, seeking to address existing deficits before they become more pronounced. By taking this proactive approach, we believe that the individual, his/her family and society all benefit. From a financial and personal standpoint, the program acts as a bridge from one school year to the next. By effectively using the summer break, youth can not only stay focused but gain new abilities and improve existing skills. These new abilities and skills help produce a smoother transition to the new school year. By making this transition easier the individual experiences greater academic and social success.
Our purpose is to help the individual improve attitudes and the accompanying habits or behaviors that affect their self confidence, social skills, academics, and self esteem. This purpose is accomplished as our campers gain knowledge, and develop or improve their skills in a wide variety of areas. The camper’s progression through the various formal skill levels in our structured activities represent concrete accomplishments. These individual successes enable the child to realize and better appreciate what he or she is capable of achieving. As a result of these successes, the camper feels a genuine sense of accomplishment, takes increased responsibility for his/her choices or actions, and has a more positive view of his/her self.
Camp Chatterbox
Camp Chatterbox is a one-week overnight camp in New Jersey for children and young adults, ages 5-22, who use synthesized Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices, such as eye gaze accessible speech generating devices, tablets with communication applications, etc. It is for independent campers or campers with their families. All campers participate in a range of social, recreational, and educational activities led by licensed and qualified professionals, to promote use of their communication systems and interact with other children.
Camp Connect ASD
Building self–esteem for children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder
Camp Connect ASD offers children and teens diagnosed with high functioning autism spectrum disorder (ASD), ages 9-18, five days and four nights of summer fun and social connections. Children experience all the fun and adventure of a sleep-away camp with medical staff close at hand.
For six days, the children do not have to worry about how they are seen or what others think; they simply have fun. They participate in a myriad of activities, learning team-building skills through sports, skits, and Camp Olympics. Formal and informal support groups allow campers to practice appropriate social and communication skills and encourage the discussion of meaningful topics including how to handle bullying, what to do when teased and how to make friends.
The Department of Neurology of Children’s National provides the medical management of Camp Connect. A Child Neurophysiologist, is joined by a staff of nurses, social workers, physical therapists, and psychologists to provide medical coverage throughout the week of camp. Experienced teachers volunteer their time and expertise to work with the ASD population and help train the counselors to deal with the issues associated with ASD. Several counselors and volunteers who live with the condition share their experience and wisdom with the campers each summer.
For Ages: 9-18 Dates: June 21 – 25, 2022 Need-based scholarships are available and monthly payment plans can be arranged.
Camp Easterseals UCP
For 60 years, Camp Easterseals UCP has provided quality recreational and therapeutic camp programming. Tucked away in the beautiful countryside of New Castle, Virginia, children and adults with disabilities have experienced outdoor fun including horse back riding, canoeing, swimming, arts and crafts, ziplining, campfires and more. More than 500 indiviuals attend our residential camps every year.
Camp Easterseals UCP is a fully accessible camp facility to accommodate campers with a wide range of special needs. Camp Easterseals UCP offers summer overnight camps, weekend respites and family camps. Learn more about our camper application process, staff, volunteers, activities, schedule and how to support Camp Easterseals UCP.
Camp Glyndon at Lions Camp Merrick
“Our summer camp programs promote the education, creative expression and social growth of special needs youth. Lions Camp Merrick fosters friendships between children facing similar challenges and provides the community and Lions with opportunities for service, philanthropy and leadership.”
Lions Camp Merrick provides a fun and exciting, week-long residential camping experience for children ages 6-16 who are diagnosed diabetic type 1, and children that are hearing or visually impaired. The camp can also accommodate organizations and businesses seeking to coordinate off-site team-building sessions or retreats.
Lions Camp Merrick is located on 320 acres on the shores of the Potomac River in southern Maryland. Although only 40 miles away from our nation’s capital, it is truly a world away!
The camp is owned and operated by the Lions Clubs of District 22-C (Washington, D.C., and Calvert, Charles, Montgomery, Prince George’s and St. Mary’s counties in Maryland). The camp is funded by Lions Clubs in the Washington, D.C. and DELMARVA area, grants, private donations and rentals.
Camp Holiday Trails
Camp Holiday Trails (CHT) is a year-round nonprofit camp in a natural setting at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Central VA. CHT incorporated as a nonprofit in 1973 and since that time has provided over 10,000 kids with medical needs the opportunity to experience a positive camp experience.
Our Campers, age 7-17, are welcomed from throughout the United States with the majority coming from the Mid-Atlantic region.
Who Comes to Camp?
7-17 year-olds with a qualifying diagnosis and their siblings.
Campers are socially, mentally, & emotionally able to participate in group activities.
Why CHT?
Medical professionals are on-site 24/7 for all in-person camp sessions.
Counselors are trained to supervise and facilitate activities for all abilities.
75% of Camper Families report an increase in their child’s medical independence and confidence after attending CHT.
Camp Lee Mar
Camp Lee Mar is a private, 7-week residential special needs summer camp for campers ages 7-21.
We offer unique summer programs for kids with special needs with a full curriculum incorporating a strong Academic and Speech program with traditional camp activities. Our campers flourish at Camp Lee Mar due to the structured environment we provide, which allows our campers to feel comfortable and secure. Some of our campers may be in a mainstream school during the year while working on social skills and life skills at our special needs camp.
As a special needs camp we understand the need to individualize each camper’s program. Careful study is made of parent input, school IEPs, camper interviews, etc., so that the interests and needs of each child can best be determined for suitable grouping prior to the camper arriving. At Camp Lee Mar, campers find comfort and friendship with children of similar age and functioning level. From this foundation we encourage our campers to embrace and learn new skills and have new experiences, all of which they will build upon on their return home. We focus on building friendships which last throughout the year, and we also help our campers learn how to cope with the dynamics of group situations. Development of the whole child is our goal.
During our summer programs for kids with special needs, we work hard at improving the daily living, social, and life skills of our campers, while giving them the happiest summers of their lives! Our campers have a variety of diagnoses, including Developmental Challenges, Learning Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Social Communication Disorder, Fragile X, Sensory Processing Disorder, and Prader-Willi Syndrome. Special needs summer camps, such as Camp Lee Mar, provide an amazing growth producing experience while allowing every child to have fun and make friends.
Camp Nuhop
Help your child build confidence and self-esteem at our summer camp for kids with diagnoses such as, but not limited to: autism spectrum disorder, learning disabilities, attention deficit, mood disorders, and neuroatypical children.
Located in southern Ashland County, Ohio, Camp Nuhop is a week-long residential summer camp and respite program for children diagnosed with (but not limited to) ASD, ADHD, learning disabilities, mood disorders, and other neurodiversities.
Camp Nuhop provides a structured environment where all campers have the opportunity to make friends and feel good about themselves. Our mission is to provide a safe, nurturing, and dynamic learning environment where children are empowered to succeed. Campers are placed with an understanding staff who incorporate self-awareness and social skills in a safe, fun environment.
In accordance with our Mission & Beliefs, campers are placed within a compatible group of children with similar needs. In our structured programs, campers receive a specialized placement with staff who understand their individuality. Our staff teaches self-awareness, social development, and creates a safe environment where friendships can be made.
Camp Sequoia
Camp Sequoia is a supportive overnight camp for exceptional young men ages 7-17 and exceptional young women ages 10-16, focusing on the unique needs of boys with ADHD and those working on social or life development skills.
Camp Sequoia is designed for children and teenagers with ADHD and other similar diagnoses who do not need the level of support offered at special needs overnight camps yet need a different experience than a traditional overnight camp can offer. Our 2:5 staffing ratio allows our campers to have fun and grow in a safe and supportive camp experience.
Parents choose Camp Sequoia because the experience we provide is much more than a summer camp. It is truly an investment in their child’s future success. The mission of Sequoia is to help our campers have a great time while developing their social cognition (how to think in a social context and apply socially related skills).
Sequoia also offers social skill and recreational programs during the school year for Philadelphia, NYC and Washington DC area children and teenagers diagnosed with ADHD. These school year programs feature our Director Lux, a Registered Nurse, and our best staff to provide incredible experiences for our campers.
Full Season (Boys) – June 26th-August 6th
First Session (Boys) – June 26th-July 16th
Second Session (Boys) – July 17th-August 6th
Sequoia Girls – July 3rd-July 24th
Hawaii Adventure (Campers 15+ ONLY) – August 8th-20th