Each year Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) hosts a FREE Summer Activities Fair open to the Arlington community to help you plan your family’s summer! Come learn about options for summer learning and adventure. SEPTA invites vendors from near and far– day camps and sleep-away camps, social skills, or outdoor adventure. There is something for every child.

Saturday, February 1, 2025
12:00 PM –3:00 PM
Walter Reed Recreation Center
2909 16th Street South, Arlington, VA
Activities for the kids and refreshments will be provided.
Vendors can register here.
Material presented on the Arlington SEPTA Resource Directory is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or endorsement of services and should not be construed as such.
Arlington SEPTA is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services by posting said material. Professional services should be sought if legal or other specific expert assistance is required.
We hope this is a good starting place for your family to find summer camp options. This is in no way a comprehensive list and welcome suggested additions. Email info@arlingtonsepta.org.
If you would like to narrow your search you can enter keywords in the search box below to search within each section. You can reach for mention of a specific diagnosis or activity, but keep in mind some entry descriptions may not be as detailed as others. The information within each entry either comes from the provider’s website or has been supplied by the provider.
Day Camps
No results.
Overnight Camps
Camp Buckskin
Camp Buckskin is an overnight summer camp program that specializes in serving boys and girls ages 6-18 who are experiencing academic and/or social skill difficulties. Specifically, the majority of our campers have a primary diagnosis of AD/HD and/or learning disabilities, while others have an additional or related diagnosis. While these diagnoses make these individuals somewhat unique, they have the same needs as everyone else. To best address these needs most of our campers benefit from some special education services in a mainstream setting, while others receive some pull out services or attend specialized private schools. In addition, many of our campers benefit from a combination of medical and other professional services. The Buckskin program utilizes the summer break and a camp setting to supplement the efforts of the home, school and others to resolve these areas of need. Since our start in 1959, more than 7,000 children have benefitted from our therapeutic program. These young people have experienced a great deal of personal growth and improvement as reported by their parents, teachers and other involved professionals.
Program Design and Purpose:
The overall Buckskin program design is twofold in nature. Firstly, we serve as a preventive or early intervention program, seeking to address existing deficits before they become more pronounced. By taking this proactive approach, we believe that the individual, his/her family and society all benefit. From a financial and personal standpoint, the program acts as a bridge from one school year to the next. By effectively using the summer break, youth can not only stay focused but gain new abilities and improve existing skills. These new abilities and skills help produce a smoother transition to the new school year. By making this transition easier the individual experiences greater academic and social success.
Our purpose is to help the individual improve attitudes and the accompanying habits or behaviors that affect their self confidence, social skills, academics, and self esteem. This purpose is accomplished as our campers gain knowledge, and develop or improve their skills in a wide variety of areas. The camper’s progression through the various formal skill levels in our structured activities represent concrete accomplishments. These individual successes enable the child to realize and better appreciate what he or she is capable of achieving. As a result of these successes, the camper feels a genuine sense of accomplishment, takes increased responsibility for his/her choices or actions, and has a more positive view of his/her self.