Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) welcomes nominations in recognition of Excellence in Supporting Special Education. Arlington SEPTA (Asociación de Padres de familia de Educacion Especial) ha abierto el periodo de nominación para los Premios por Reconocimiento a la Excelencia en el Apoyo a la Educación Especial. Now until March 31st Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) will be taking nominations […]
Congratulations to the 2024 Excellence Awards Winners and Many Thanks!
A round of applause to all the nominees and winners of the Arlington SEPTA Awards for Excellence in Special Education!!! We are so grateful for such an incredible group of educators, staff, administrators, programs, volunteers, and students. Congratulations to the 2024 winners: Isabella G. Nannini Award for Outstanding Student AdvocateNoah Johnson, Kenmore Middle School Exceptional […]
Congratulations to the 2023-24 Award for Excellence Nominees
As we all know, inclusion is a complex, multi-tiered process of support, and requires creative, thoughtful & purposeful work. Please help us celebrate and congratulate all the wonderful nominees who are champions for change & have been nominated for their exceptional work with students of all abilities within Arlington Public Schools. Nannini Award- Outstanding Student […]
Let’s Give A Huge Congratulations to Our Award Winners
Thank you APS and SEPTA for an incredible evening. A big congratulations to our amazing teachers, staff, administrators, students, and volunteers who poured every ounce of heart and soul into their jobs and were awarded the SEPTA 2023 Excellence Awards. Huge congratulations to the following award winners and all of the nominees. Exceptional Ally Award […]
We’ll Honor the Awards Nominees This Wednesday 5.17
Hello APS community and SEPTA members, This is just a friendly reminder to celebrate and commemorate Arlington leadership, teachers, staff, volunteers, and students who passionately support all Arlington students in ways that help them thrive. The Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 17th takes place at Wakefield High School in the auditorium. For more information please see […]
Congratulations to the 2023 SEPTA Award Nominees
Join SEPTA in congratulating and celebrating Arlington teachers, staff, volunteers, and students who have gone above and beyond to support Arlington students. Help us applaud the hard work of these individuals who have contributed to furthering inclusive education for students of all abilities in Arlington Public Schools and come out to the Award Ceremony on […]
One More Chance to Nominate!
Folks, one more chance! We’ve extended the nomination period for award nominations by 1 week. Parents, caregivers, educators, community members, volunteers. We’re all ears to hear who you want to recognize. Please visit here to nominate your heroes and champions. McBride Award – to an outstanding school or program. Submit your nomination HERE. Howie Award – […]
Call for Nominations Deadline is 3/22/23
Hello, hello! We want to hear from you! If you have someone amazing on your kiddo’s multidisciplinary team or you’re a big fan of a champion in the special education community, we are all ears. We can’t wait to hear your ideas & thoughts from an outstanding volunteer in our community to a fervent student advocate […]
Congratulations to the Excellence Award Winners
We are thrilled to announce the extraordinary group of educators, volunteers and students who were awarded Arlington SEPTA’s 2022 Excellence Awards! Join us in congratulating the winners and ALL the amazing nominees. Exceptional Ally Award • Outstanding Student AllyGrace Chen, Washington Liberty High School Nannini Award • Outstanding Student AdvocateL.J. Seiff, Swanson Middle School Howie Award • Outstanding VolunteerSusan Scott, […]
Congratulations to the 2022 SEPTA Award Nominees
Join us in congratulating this year’s SEPTA Excellence Award Nominees! Winners in each category will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 11th at the Washington-Liberty Auditorium. To learn more about the ceremony and the award categories visit: And the 2022 Nominees are…. Crawford Award • Outstanding Educator Jill Beadles, Yorktown High School Kelynne Bisbee, […]