Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA) Monthly Meeting
Successful Transitions Planning with the Arc of NOVA
Thursday, February 15th
7:30 to 9:00 pm
Syphax Education Center
2110 Washington Boulevard, Room 454
Or via Zoom
RSVP: https://forms.gle/MJBYMVjB7ShtENhC6
Join Arlington SEPTA for our February meeting focusing on your student’s future beyond high school. Following PTA business the Arc of Northern Virginia’s Diane Monnig will lead a discussion about planning for your child’s transition into adulthood.
All SEPTA meetings are open to everyone. Membership is not needed to join the discussion.
Visit https://www.arlingtonsepta.org/events/monthly-meetings/ for more information on monthly meetings and links to the agenda and any updated meeting material.
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