Hello APS community and SEPTA members,
This is just a friendly reminder to celebrate and commemorate Arlington leadership, teachers, staff, volunteers, and students who passionately support all Arlington students in ways that help them thrive. The Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, May 17th takes place at Wakefield High School in the auditorium. For more information please see the invitation attached.
Many thanks to Wakefield High School for welcoming SEPTA to host this event in their school building. Some logistical planning is necessary due to various functions happening simultaneously at Wakefield in the evening on May 17th. Doors remain locked after hours so in order for easy access, SEPTA will have a volunteer to greet you at the exterior doors. Please be sure to use Door #1. A light reception will take place May 17th in the auditorium foyer at 6:30pm. The Awards Ceremony will kick off in the auditorium at 7:00pm. If it’s feasible for you to arrive by 6:45pm that will ensure access and your timely navigation to the event space.
We are looking forward to this wonderful opportunity to recognize the highly skilled leaders within the APS Special Education community working with and/or on behalf of students with disabilities. See you soon!
Best regards,
Jenn Seiff and Cecilia Kline
Arlington Special Education PTA (SEPTA)

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